Xbox 360 vs .PS3
07-31-2011, 07:24 AM,
RE: Xbox 360 vs .PS3
@Serial Thrilla: PC fanboyism? My Xbox never stutters, has a consistent 60fps rate at all times, outputs in 1080p and never stops working. This is true for every single one of the thousands of games across all genres, all of which are available more or less instantly. I can play it from my couch with an ergonomic gaming controller and headset without having to mess with buggy, unstable drivers and expensive hardware. It costs less then half of the price of a comparable PC, too. 2006 consoles are still (for the most part) better gaming machines then 2011 PCs, simply because they were designed to provide a platform for video gaming - not word processing, not web browsing. Just gaming.
Hi! I'm Zach, and I founded NiftyHost. If you need anything, just PM me! :)
08-02-2011, 12:06 PM,
RE: Xbox 360 vs .PS3
I'm sorry Zack, but I have to disagree. Most games on consoles perform at a consistent 30fps. PCs are superior to consoles, but are more expensive and harder to maintain and also are kind of a hassle sometimes. Honestly, when I read that your Xbox has a consistent 60fps rate I thought you were jokingly referring to your PC or something. Some games also do not perform consistently on consoles at all (Dead Rising 2 and Crysis 2 come to mind), sometimes dipping into what seems to be 25fps or even less. If you want more proof of how PCs are superior, you can look up videos and pictures of Crysis 2 running on DX11 (which the consoles don't support. Xbox 360 has what is basically DX9.5). You will notice the superior quality of the graphics and, if you find a video of someone with a monster PC, of framerate.

But anyway, as for which console I prefer, I would say I kind of prefer the PS3, despite not having one. I only have a 360 and a fairly decent PC (decent because if the 360 can run it then it's a fair bet that my PC can run it too at a possible better framerate with similar graphic quality), but the PS3 has some exclusives that are really interesting to me and that I will, sadly, never play unless something magic and wonderful happens. The one exclusive that I find the most interesting is Yakuza. Maybe that one will jump over to the 360 sometime, however, since it isn't a 1st or 2nd party game and is 3rd party.
08-02-2011, 12:17 PM,
RE: Xbox 360 vs .PS3
Whoops. I think I meant 30fps, but when you get to framerates that high your eye does not notice the difference. In any case, PCs are, like you said, costlier and harder to maintain. I am happy to say that as a console gamer I have never had to learn what a DX is because I do not need to worry about things like that.
Hi! I'm Zach, and I founded NiftyHost. If you need anything, just PM me! :)
08-02-2011, 12:23 PM,
RE: Xbox 360 vs .PS3
Well, yes, if you meant 30fps then I do agree. A PC for the very same price of a console is likely a weaker gaming machine than the console too, yes. It does suck that some games can't even maintain a constant 30fps, but I wouldn't really hold that against the hardware as much as the software. I do feel there's a world of difference between 30fps and 60fps. Hell, I notice a lot of difference between 30fps and 40fps. But in the end, it doesn't matter much as long as it's constant.

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