Mega list of redirects (.htaccess)
07-04-2010, 08:11 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-04-2011, 08:09 PM by HiddenKnowledge.)
Mega list of redirects (.htaccess)
well lets start
but before we do red this lil snippet
notes on htaccess redirection

Quote:Always be sure to upload .htaccess files in ascii mode, sending it up as binary will break it (and usually make your server very, very unhappy.)

.htaccess does not work if you're on a windows server.

Make sure you triple check your changes. Clear your cache and look, test the server headers to make sure you see a 301 (that means its permanent) not a 302 (temporary) unless you are absolutely sure you really mean temporary.

Since some operating systems don't allow you to make a file without something before the "." you may need to save it as something.htaccess, some may even have to save it as htaccess.txt and change it once you've uploaded it.

Make sure your ftp program will show .htaccess files (FileZilla does and is free) It is a bit hard to edit something you can't see ;)

Double check that you're not overwriting an old one (some servers already place one there for your custom 404 pages etc.)

Make sure you replace with your own sites URL

ok now lets begin are 1st one is 301 sounds crazy but lets go at it
for an single page
Redirect 301 /oldpage.html

now for an entire site you do this
Redirect 301 /

now to change the end of it
RedirectMatch 301 (.*)\.html$$1.php
Quote:This example is perfect if you've decided to switch to .php from .html pages. It will look for any .html page and redirect it to .php (ie and redirect it to Now, be careful with this, it does mean any html page. I did this on one of my sites and had totally forgotten I had an iframe with .html content on some pages... I didn't notice for weeks that it was broken :S.
So learn from my mistake ;-) check, double check, then check again.

The most common meta redirect is
meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url=">
add < before meta
if i missed an feel free to say so

Messages In This Thread
Mega list of redirects (.htaccess) - by Mone - 07-04-2010, 08:11 AM
RE: Mega list of redircts - by RichardGv - 07-04-2010, 01:04 PM
RE: Mega list of redircts - by HiddenKnowledge - 07-06-2010, 09:22 PM

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