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[SOLVED] [SOLVED] iRadeo - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] [SOLVED] iRadeo - JonattanD - 12-01-2010

i founded this script:
and i was wondering if there anything in the TOS agains it?

RE: iRadeo - Zach - 12-01-2010

As long as you dont use our servers to provide that script with copywritten mp3s that you do not have the right to distribute, its fine. Please make sure all files stored on our server under your account are legally distributable by you. If we get served with a DMCA notice, you are out of here.

RE: iRadeo - JonattanD - 12-01-2010

so it would be better if i use like grooveshark api or something to load the songs?

RE: iRadeo - Zach - 12-01-2010

Yeah. I mean, as long as the mp3s themselves arent saved on our hard drives, you should be okay.

RE: iRadeo - mghq - 12-01-2010

Yea cause if i get an email from the DMCA I will be hunting the person down as I do not feel like having domains revoked due to others trying to take advantage