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Full Version: Firefox VS. Google Chrome
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WTH, never rmind :D
lol dang
chromium more fast than chrome
but I more often use firefox because a lot of addons
I use firefox because of extensions but I like the speed of chrome.
for me is firefox the best. I like firebug ext.. very usefull
I'm using Firefox since 2008. I'm pleased.
For me chrome loads faster, starts up faster, and is faster !!!

But firefox has numerous addons which I can't live without at times :(

Personally I use both, for browsing different websites
Prefer firefox :)

chrome always error when internet disconeccted unexpectly while surf :(
Firefox is best foe me
I used Chrome for a while, but it wasnt customizable enough so I switched back to Firefox. Chrome may be more efficent, but Firefox is extensible and very powerful.
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