This should be a good way to get some traffic moving on your site. Give me a 160x160 ad that isn't ugly and I'll give you a randomized ad space. The link above has more info.
Mike, you now own half the ad spots on my site.
Matt, instead of congratulating me on my backwards management skills, you should make an ad.
Meh, I suck at Photoshop or Image editing for that matter.
(04-26-2010, 08:24 AM)Matt M Wrote: [ -> ]Meh, I suck at Photoshop or Image editing for that matter.
Yeah I need to learn more on Photoshop. I need to actually read tutorials, haha.

zack please do it for my blog at
the ad banner is 125x125 in size [hope that would work :D ]
banner --->
i will add your ad back in my site too :D
I still need to get you my ad
Yes you do, mghq.
I added Kaushal :D