08-19-2011, 10:35 AM
True Crime, while being a series that attempts to capitalize on the success of GTA fairly blatantly, actually stands out in my mind more than GTA ever has (save for San Andreas). Both series are obviously similar but I consider them two different kinds of games in many ways so I don’t typically compare the two. I don’t consider True Crime necessarily better than GTA as it is much more confined than any GTA title but I consider it to be unique and great at what it does.
The recent shutdown of Luxoflux studios in 2010 meant the end of the long awaited third installment to the TC franchise, True Crime: Hong Kong and everyone at that point had said their goodbyes to the series.
However it has been taken up by United Front Games and the publishing rights have been bought by Square Enix. They did not however purchase the rights to use the True Crime name from Activision so this means it will most likely be published under a new name. Regardless of what they call it, I am happy to see this back in production. I can only hope that they stay true to the original formula that made True Crime one of the free roaming kings alongside GTA and Saints Row. With this recent change, the series is now quite literally a reboot rather than just a ‘long awaited sequel’.
Considering what it’s been through, the upcoming title has had very little publicity and even less gameplay footage and screenshots have been released. Without much to go on it’s hard to say if this title will come out solid but if they continue with the original ‘good cop bad cop’ formula there shouldn’t be much to worry about.